I just noticed a really stupid bug in the X2 that can get you into some really embarrassing moments.
You turn off all sounds, put the keylock on, and slip the phone in your pocket. You think that the phone is now silent, and it will not make any noise if you get a call/sms etc. WRONG! If you accidentally activate your screen, and press the volume-buttons on the side, the volume-slider goes up from silent to eg. max. Now you're not safe anymore, and on an incoming call your phone rings with the volume the slider stopped on: In my case FULL volume!
I can't believe this, what's the point with having the phone on silent, and you have to be careful of not hitting any buttons during this time!!?? Imagine yourself going to the movies, turning off the sound of the Xperia X2 and keeping the phone in your trouser-pocket.. After a while, you change the way how you sit, and most likely you press some keys, and voilá, the volume is back up!
Thank's Sony Ericsson for this experience!
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