Sony Ericsson released only two firmware-updates. The first update was a disaster. The phone was more or less un-usable due to heavy crashing and freezing. On my previous blog i was counting how many times i had to boot my phone. After the update, it was more or less pointless to keep counting. Before the first update the phone crashed a couple of times per day, but after the first update (MR1), i lost count.
The Sony Ericsson Experia X2 with the MR1 firmware crashed up to 30 times per day!! That makes it 2,5 times per hour during the daytime!! I missed a dozen of calls, and probably multiple orders and deals.
At this point i got pretty pissed off, and i sent an e-mail to Aaron Duke (, the project manager of the Sony Ericsson X2. I mailed him the links to my blogs, and after a short time he replied that he wanted to talk to me about the problems with the X2. We set up a time and date, and he called me. I explained about the worst bugs in found in the MR1 Firmware, and and to the end of the call he suggested that he would send me a new X2 with the current developer-version of the firmware.
A week later i got the Xperia X2 with a pre-release firmware, and started testing. The firmware was much better, and it was pretty stable. It contained the new Windows Mobile 6.5.3 that got the start-button placed in the bottom of the screen to the left. I reported during a couple weeks a bunch of bugs, and some of them where fixed. After these weeks, the software was freezed, and prepared for releaes. The MR2 update was released in the end of May 2010, and it fixed many bugs and disasters the MR1-firmware containded.
Now about a year later, i'm pretty sure that i got the Sony Ericsson gave me the X2 just to keep my mouth shut. This makes me dissapointed, because i found several bugs that got not fixed, and after the release of MR2, i found some new bugs.
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