
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Silent profile.. WTF??

I just noticed a really stupid bug in the X2 that can get you into some really embarrassing moments.

You turn off all sounds, put the keylock on, and slip the phone in your pocket. You think that the phone is now silent, and it will not make any noise if you get a call/sms etc. WRONG! If you accidentally activate your screen, and press the volume-buttons on the side, the volume-slider goes up from silent to eg. max. Now you're not safe anymore, and on an incoming call your phone rings with the volume the slider stopped on: In my case FULL volume!

I can't believe this, what's the point with having the phone on silent, and you have to be careful of not hitting any buttons during this time!!?? Imagine yourself going to the movies, turning off the sound of the Xperia X2 and keeping the phone in your trouser-pocket..  After a while, you change the way how you sit, and most likely you press some keys, and voilá, the volume is back up!

Thank's Sony Ericsson for this experience!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bluetooth.. What a joke

I actually never got bluetooth working without any trouble with my computers. I use Windows, Mac and Linux. Pairing the phone works, having a Bluetooth headset works too, but more than this does not work.

Beaming images to my computers just fails, sending files to the phone fails again. So what's the idea of having bluetooth in a phone that does not work??

Monday, March 28, 2011

Daylight saving bug

This weekend Europe moved to summertime, but not my Xperia X2. This phone has never managed to correctly change time-zones, daylight savings or getting the time from the GSM-network. Not sure if this is a Sony Ericsson problem, or Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5. I vote for the latter; Microsoft and Windows Mobile 6.5...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SonyEricsson keeps up the hunger..

This poor girl really needs some food..
Just found this picture on the SonyEriccson facebook site.. A starving model.  SonyEricsson does not feed their modles.. When I get really hungry, i get angry and grumpy. Somehow it just hit me, that this is the situation with me and the buggy Xperia X2. I'm angry and pissed off. I suppose those users who heavily use their X2 might feel the same as i do..  SonyEriccson keeps us starving

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Xperia X2 Boot-time: Biggest joke ever!

This is something that i have noticed with ALL windows versions on any platform or version. The boot-time to get a functioning system is HORRIBLE. Check these times, and decide yourself it this is something you think that might be worth bying such a phone!

Startup-time for the
SonyEricsson Xperia X2
Power up:00:00:00
First Call:00:03:20

You can imagine that the boot-time for the SonyEricsson Xperia X2 is driving me and any other user of this phone nuts! Every time the phone hangs, and that's nowadays the key-lock that hangs more or less 1-2 times per day, i need to remove the battery, and boot the phone.

Xperia X2 Usage-/Stand-by time: The biggest bluff til now from SonyEricsson

I have mostly focused my criticisim against the SonyEricsson Xperia X2 and windows mobile on bugs, stupid features/flaws in Mircosoft Windows Mobile 6.5.3. One of the most important failures in this phone is the battery time.

Til now, more than a year since i bought the phone, It never, is repeat myselfe, NEVER worked a whole 24h. During a normal day, i need to keep it in the charger so that it won't die by the end of my office-hours (09.00-17.00). Someone might say that this has to do with using WIFI, 3G, talking to much on the phone etc. No, i don't use WIFI all the time, and 3G i had to turn off because i run out of battery before 14.00. During weekends there might be days that i don't use the phone at all. Also my office and home is in an area with excellent signal-strenght.

During a weekend where i don't receive any calls, the phone might stay alive in stand-by mode for about 15h. This makes me wonder how an earth SonyEricsson could fake up these figures (press-release, product-sheet) for the battery-time:

  • Talk time GSM: Up to 10 hrs
  • Standby time GSM: Up to 500 hrs
  • Talk time UMTS: Up to 6hrs
  • Standby time UMTS: Up to 640hrs
  • Music listening time: Up to 20hrs
I don't even get up to 10% of any of these times!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The final software-update of the SonyEricsson Xperia X2

In the end of May 2010 SonyEricsson released the MR2 update to the Xperia X2 phone. It contained may encancements and bug-fixes, but it also left lots of unsolved problems. There was also some new bugs, like the screen-lock app that crashed, and to open your phone, it needed you you to remove the battery of the phone, and reboot.

I started to keep track on new bugs , but this seemed to be just no response from SonyEricsson to these.

The most notable bugs are that the SonyEricsson Xperia X2 fails to handle correctly the SD-card. Many people on different forums reported that their SD-cards where wiped out; YES you read correctly. The phone has a bug that does not handle correctly the power-saving settings for the SD-card. Failing in this task, the phone formats an SD-card, and the user looses all his data. This happedned to me too, and only after applying a patch, this fixed the problem. Again this patch is not from SonyEricssson, but from the community. It really pissess me off that i paid over 650 Euro for this phone, and it got pretty quick abandoned by SonyEricsson. To be more precise. the phone was not even 6 months on the market, and SonyEricsson decided not to release any updates to this phone.

I understand that the technique runs forward, and that phone-models change. But the SonyEricsson Xperia X2 is not cheap consumer-phone that should be changed withing a year of purchase. This phone is marketed as a Business Phone. This does mean that SonyEricsson should commit themselves to continye fix crusial bugs in the phone. After the users of this phone realized that the MR2-release would be SonyEricssons last effort to fix a horrible buggy phone, more or less all of them have said that this phone will be their last SonyEricsson phone ever. Period.  I say the same thing. I will NEVER buy a SonyEricsson phone again. You can't rely on this company that they would takek seriously on fixing bugs in their phones. The support for the phone has ended, and there will not be any patches or updates that would fix bugs that cause dataloss...