
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The screen is broken

As i wrote earlier, i got a few dead pixels. There has been now a change. Last week i got a red vertical stripe through the whole screen. I really have to bring this phone to warranty reparis! Suckst that i dont have the time for playing with this and take backups etc. and move stuff to an other phone.. Windows Mobile is not the best phone for doing this kind of stuff! Damn it.. :-(

As a note to the screen-problems if found a couple of months ago that my screen's coating is starting peel off. I still have not got any good pictures from this, cause i don't have the right lighting and camera..

Monday, May 02, 2011

Managed to recover my contacts

I managed to recover my contacts. I used a second X2 to access my Microsoft Phone account, and synchronized it this way. Then I did a backup of my contacts with Pim Backup, and imported it to my own X2.

I lost many new contacts, because my own X2 stopped synchronizing with Microsoft Phone in January 2011... Now i have set PimBackup to backup all my contacts and SMS on a daily basis. Hopefully i never need to use these backups to recover lost contacts anymore!